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Redcaps Orandas

Redcap Oranda Goldfish:
This goldfish is one of the most famous fish in goldfishes comes in white color with red head (as show in pictures). Redcaps are commonly available in the local fish pets store.
  (Below are the some Facts about Redcaps)
it comes in only one color Red & White. 
pure white with red color on its head.

 Goldfish Redcap size starts from 3 inches and ends to 7 inches.
and if mantained well it can cross 7 inches.

This fish did not breed in Pakistan,India,Bangladesh only breeds in China and other chinese countries.

Temprature & TankSize:

  • its tand size almost 2ft to 5ft and if you have a bigger aquarium than its a better option.
  • It is a peaceful fish and never fights with other fishes.
  • 22 to 26 °Ð¡ (72°F- 78°F)
Filtration Pumps:

  • I Reccommend you Aquarium Submursible Filter RS3002 (for short term use).
  • I also use this and soon make my review on it.
  • its Voltage 220-240V and its cleaning speed is 1500L/h.
Almost 4 to 12 years but if maintained 
well it can live upto 20 year

Easily available on the local fish shops and also in the online platform e.g OLX,Facebook,Ali Express etc.

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Shahzaib Ali Khan
(Owner & Author)

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